Doesn't "Links Directional?" sound.. Sing-songy?
Maybe it's just me... Perhaps its because of G&S
(Gilbert & Sullivan ("I'm the very image of a Modern Major General!")),
but I think "Links, Directional?" could make part of a very interesting
song about GNU/Linux...
I've got to pick myself up,
and chdir myself back $HOME,
because I forgot
that Links, those Links, that they are directional.
Links, Directional.
Links, Directional.
Links, Directional.
Oh oh oh, no, those links are directional.
Might sound better if done in the roots reggae style,
Or -- alternatively -- sung in a barber-shop quartet...
-- Bad men live that they may eat and drink, whereas good men eat and drink that they may live. -- Socrates - GPG Fingerprint=D67D 2B75 53C6 9769 30E4 D390 239F C833 F32C F6F6 GPG KeyID=F32CF6F6
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