I can't remember exactly where it is, but searchyour Win XP registry for
'RequireSignOrSeal'. In order to make XP work with SMB, you have to se
that value to '0'. From there, its very simple.
-----Original Message-----
From: root [mailto:kkohn@tampabay.rr.com]
Sent: Saturday, July 05, 2003 11:47 AM
To: LinuxGroup
Subject: [SLUG] Using SMB
Needed suggestions on a couple of issues:
I am new to the world of linux and networking/backup utilities. Want to
do the following:
I have 3 machines I'm trying to put on the same network. Laptop RH9,
Desktop RH9 and Emachine Windows XP. I was able to get the Desktop RH9
to see the emachine but how can I get Win XP to see the RH9 Desktop?
Also. How can I run a backup script from the RH9 desktop to the
Emachine? I don't have any tape backup options so I was thinking
network drive to network drive.
Is it possible to use Microsoft backup to backup files to the Desktop
RH9 box?
I know you can map drive letters in the MS world but am unsure with
mounting and the linux world.
Currently using SMB using Network Server in RH9 to get to the xp box.
Pretty easy to use.
Any suggestions would be appreciated for this newbie. Thanks.
William Lindfors
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