Someone had suggested I install/use Swat to setup the linux to MS
shares. I used the where is swat command so I know I have it on the RH9
Box. How do I setup a share so that I can map my Win XP box to the RH9
Box? Want to run MS Backup to the RH9 BOX. Tried using l: \\IP
Address\root but that did not work. Not sure what the share would be.
Any ideas.
On Sun, 2003-07-06 at 15:58, Craig Zeigler wrote:
> I can't remember exactly where it is, but searchyour Win XP registry for
> 'RequireSignOrSeal'. In order to make XP work with SMB, you have to se
> that value to '0'. From there, its very simple.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: root []
> Sent: Saturday, July 05, 2003 11:47 AM
> To: LinuxGroup
> Subject: [SLUG] Using SMB
> Needed suggestions on a couple of issues:
> I am new to the world of linux and networking/backup utilities. Want to
> do the following:
> I have 3 machines I'm trying to put on the same network. Laptop RH9,
> Desktop RH9 and Emachine Windows XP. I was able to get the Desktop RH9
> to see the emachine but how can I get Win XP to see the RH9 Desktop?
> Also. How can I run a backup script from the RH9 desktop to the
> Emachine? I don't have any tape backup options so I was thinking
> network drive to network drive.
> Is it possible to use Microsoft backup to backup files to the Desktop
> RH9 box?
> I know you can map drive letters in the MS world but am unsure with
> mounting and the linux world.
> Currently using SMB using Network Server in RH9 to get to the xp box.
> Pretty easy to use.
> Any suggestions would be appreciated for this newbie. Thanks.
> William Lindfors
-- William Lindfors
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