Re: [SLUG] brighthouse

From: Ian Blenke (
Date: Wed Jul 09 2003 - 10:53:17 EDT

Ronald KA4INM Youvan wrote:
> You don't have to be near a CO, you must simply be within
> something like 19,000 wire feet from a fiber to phone line
> converter, which could be in a pedestal box on your lawn
> for all you know.
> Don't assume, check with several providers before you say
> you can't get DSL.
>> I'm too far away from the CO for DSL, and Verizon wants $105/month for
>> ISDN (plus $200 setup fee). Frame relay and frac T1 are, of course, way
>> too expensive.

While a growing number of "SLiCs" (SLCs - Service Line Centers) have
DSLAMs or DSL capable line cards, most do not. There are still a few
older COs that don't have DSL capability either. The trick is to find
out where your copper is pulled to, and what providers have DSLAMs (or
what available linecards are installed in your servicing switch by your
LEC) in your SLC or CO.

Most "fiber to phone line converters" (DLC SLCs) that you refer to at a
SLC are purely POTS/ISDN capable. If you're unlucky enough to have
service from an ancient analog RT (Remote Terminal), you're basically

The distance you can be from the CO depends entirely on the type of DSL
that your servicing DSLAM provides.

You can usually get "IDSL" (basically ISDN with no D-channel switch
signalling) from most switches (SLC and CO) today, but you're limited to

Do you have any neighbors with broadband within line-of-sight to do your
own private wireless shot? The trick here is convincing said neighbors
that this is 1) legal, and 2) worth the hassle.

- Ian

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