RE: [SLUG] I.B.M. Explores Shift of White-Collar Jobs Overseas (even more lengthy)

From: Robert Eanes (
Date: Wed Jul 23 2003 - 12:54:24 EDT

I've read and agree with about everything I've read in
regards to this thread, but have not seen anything
targeting the responsible party. We are supposed to
have a government by the people / for the people... so
why are we putting up with having our corporations
dictate what our standard of living is. It's all fine
to say "this is just how it works". I understand
economics ... micro, macro, and worldwide. Bottom
line, we built this country. We've have forged this
country, it's values, it's standard of living, and
all. I for one do not care if the rest of the world
wants to live with dirt streets and open sewers...
this culture costs money, time, and effort to
maintain. Now our traterous corporations are throwing
away our culture and replacing it with the lowest
common denominator. What can we do about it .. well,
in the past "tarrifs" we used to create an equal
exchange between countries... our republican friends
are all in favor of getting rid of those. I would
suggest more tarrifs if I thought they would help in
this situation... unfortunately, it will not help
here.. these companies are not producing any
products.. they are giving our jobs away. No, what we
need is to elect leaders that are firmly behind
rebuilding the American workforce and supporting our
rather expensive way of life. We could wait until the
world equalizes, but I'll be dead by then.. And all
likelyhood that it will never happen.. look at
history... what we are heading for if we do not in
some sense move more toward a seperatist viewpoint is
something along the lines of the french revolution....
off with the CEO's heads ! Haven't we heard the cries
lately? I have respect for other nations and peoples;
they are not to blame... we are. There needs to be
new legeslation to organize and limit multi-national
corporations with consideration given to the
differences in culture, nationality, standard of
living , and exchange rates. Your absolutely right
when you say "it's only a logical decision to move
jobs to India because they work for a fourth of the
salary that we do"... Ok.. Make our corporations pay
them what we make... Same job, Same pay.. in american
dollars.. equalize the playing field. I have heard
too many times from our own politicians that we are
trying to raise the standard of living in other
countries... NAFTA... and such excuses... How much
quicker would this happen if we passed a law making
them pay the same as we make here. If they are really
that good at programming then they will still get the
jobs. I'm too angry to continue.. I've worked in the
IT industry for 9 years... and now I can make more
money as a teacher... Why should I have to change my
career to crop picking.. I went to college.. I did
everything that society said I should do to become
successfull.. only to be shat upon by corporations and
business types telling me to keep running the rat race
and make them money... I will sooner vote to make
their actions into treason and jail them.. if not
worse. Well... all for now.. good luck to all. See
you in the fields.

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