Hash: SHA1
Nuff said.
On Thursday 24 July 2003 13:48 pm, webguroo@tampabay.rr.com wrote:
> On 23 Jul 2003 at 20:04, Ronald KA4INM Youvan wrote:
> >> If they (or their parents) entered legally fine,
> California is experiencing a 6,000+ each day WET BACK
> flood and the state is being paralyzed by it.
> I don't see why this won't spread nation wide,
> OK so New Jersey is safe.
> This is not just a California problem. I was recently
> talking to someone from the City of Clearwater, he said
> over 20% of the people living in Clearwater is Hispanic
> and most come from the Hidalgo region of Mexico. Ten
> years ago it was only a few percent.
> The bad thing is they have poor language skills, are a
> drain on government services and they are not interested
> in education. They don't even speak Spanish well, that's
> their second language. This may institutionalize a source
> of low cost restaurant workers, but it will cost is big time in
> the long run.
> Paul Wilson
> webguroo@tampabay.rr.com
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