RE: [SLUG] I.B.M. Explores Shift of White-Collar Jobs Overseas (even more lengthy)

Date: Thu Jul 24 2003 - 13:48:27 EDT

On 23 Jul 2003 at 13:05, Andrew M Hoerter wrote:

>In general, you should simply be prepared to watch U.S. wages slowly
decrease, the middle class all but disappear, and large wealth transfers
into developing countries. Depending on your point of view, this can be
interpreted as a triumph of laissez faire capitalism, the destruction of
the American way of life, or the economic liberation of oppressed Third
World masses. Take your pick.

I think this is very short-sighted of American industry. Part of the reason so many
are driving BMW's today is that we have a healthy middle class buying things. If we
stop buying, where will their wealth come from. Factory workers in Tijuana?
Programmers in Bangladesh? I don't think so. This short term greed spells long
term doom to our whole economy.... including their expansive way of life.

It probably will have a long term effect on the world economy too. If we don't have
the money, education will slack off like it has here in Florida and investment and R &
D will flounder even more. I see a downward spiral and we are in it now.

We can only hope that the companies eventually catch on that those cheapo
programmers take 3 times longer to complete a job, and then it is sub standard.
Eventually the bean counters should catch on. They have MBA's don't they?

Paul Wilson

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