RE: [SLUG] I.B.M. Explores Shift of White-Collar Jobs Overseas (even more lengthy)

From: Andrew M Hoerter (
Date: Wed Jul 23 2003 - 13:05:33 EDT

On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Pete S. wrote:

> Becoming better then the competition, is the solution that I see.

We already are -- it's just that offshore labor is cheaper. In business,
the mediocre solution for one-third the price is often better than the
optimal solution at full cost.

So unless you're prepared to live in the U.S. on a wage less than what
Indian programmers charge ...

Another solution is to specialize in work that can only be performed
locally, that wouldn't make sense to move offshore. Consumer PC repair,
for example; most people aren't going to ship their PC to Elbonia to have
a hard disk replaced.

In general, you should simply be prepared to watch U.S. wages slowly
decrease, the middle class all but disappear, and large wealth transfers
into developing countries. Depending on your point of view, this can be
interpreted as a triumph of laissez faire capitalism, the destruction of
the American way of life, or the economic liberation of oppressed Third
World masses. Take your pick.

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