Re: [SLUG] music without guilt

From: Dylan William Hardison (
Date: Tue Jul 29 2003 - 10:35:48 EDT

On Tuesday, July 29, 2003 at 08:00AM -0400, Eric Jahn wrote:
> The RIAA would have no easy way of catching a stream ripper, but
> possession of ripped streaming media still sounds as illegal as a song
> ripped from a CD.

Ripping *MY* CD's into .ogg's and *NOT* sharing them is not illegal!
Now, if I were to give or sell the CD, and not delete the .ogg files,
that would quite possibly be illegal, but I don't.
I myself own the CD that I bought, or that was bought and given to me.

My ownership just does not include copy rights; I don't have the right
to copy it, except for my own fair use.

Now, recording radio streams, I find it hard to believe that
that is illegal. While at the St. Pete meeting yesterday,
I recorded some streaming media into an analog storage device,
that is to say, I taped a TV show. That is not illegal, right?
What if I tape some FM radio station? What if I get a FM radio card
and record to .ogg files? I don't really see why that would
be illegal.

Possession of ripped songs that one made can not be illegal unless
tapes and VCR's are.

Always do right.  This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.
                -- Mark Twain
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