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John Pedersen wrote:
| Eric Jahn wrote:
|> The RIAA would have no easy way of catching a stream ripper, but
|> possession of ripped streaming media still sounds as illegal as a song
|> ripped from a CD.
| I think the real target of the RIAA is people who TRANSMIT the songs;
| whenever you run your Napster or Kazaa, you are, at the same time,
| putting your songs out there to "share" with others.
| Perhaps the RIAA is so greedy and powerdrunk that it really is illegal
| to save copies of shoutcast material. However, as I see it, here we
| have a radio station or shoutcast station that is legally transmitting
| music that I can listen to all day long, day after day. I then make a
| copy of some of those songs for my own personal use.
| I see that as quite different than when I become a SOURCE, as with Kazaa
| et al. Whatever the law may be, I can personally feel very comfortable
| with this--hence the subject header: music without guilt.
| John
Hmm, then why do theatres and concerts outlaw the use of cameras?
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