OK. I understand and repect your opinion. Peronally I have about 3000 CD's at
home that I had purchased. Now I did go and download alot of MP3z. Mostly crap
I already had. I just didnt want to sit there and have to RIP 3000 CD's. Larz
Ulrich had me booted from Napster. Now I own every friggin Metallica album on CD,
Cassette and some on 12'... I repurchased the same songs 3 sometimes 4 times. I even
seen metallica live more times than I care to admit. Where is the fairness in that?
I agree that outright stealing music is wrong, but the RIAA should be careful, I for
one will never purchase or steal another metallica song. St. Anger can kiss my butt!
Now im not giving you an argument here. I agree that stealing is wrong. But I also have
friends in the recording industry and have spoken to them about mp3z. You know they outright
steal "intellectal property" also. The fact is if your not Metallica, or Zeppelin you get skwatt
from record sales. The label makes most of the bucks because they distribute and promote the
artist. They also have to pay for things like cover art. Did you know that the cover artist or
photographer gets more of the profits from cd sales than the musicain? The artist makes most of
his or her profits from touring ticket sales. Thats why some artists like David Bowie put entire
CD online for download hoping you'll like it and go see him live. I guess what im saying here is
supporting an artist and supporting his or her label is two different arguments.
--- "J. David Boyd" <jdboyd@tampabay.rr.com> wrote:
> DISCLAIMER: I'm not sure I feel this way, but it IS the mood I am in right
> now...
> I'm often reminded of the Pink Floyd song "Us and Them".
> I have several friends who are (or are striving to be) profession musicians.
> They hated Napster with a passion. I should say with a PASSION.
> They would swear and curse for hours at the moral ineptitude of anyone that
> would DARE to download music without paying for it.
> But, if you looked at their computers, good luck finding one application that
> was actually payed for! Everything was just given to each other, because
> "those rich &$#@%" have enough money already".
> I don't steal music, and I don't copy software.
> I mean, c'mon, you KNOW what is right. Have you paid money for that music?
> Then chances are you are ripping it off.
> I don't have any personal preferences as to what you do, everyone has to
> decide their own morality for themselves. But, please, don't try to justify
> it here.
> Dave
> --
> Gnu/Mandrake Linux User
> It's most certainly GNU/Linux, not Linux!
> Read more at http://www.gnu.org/gnu/why-gnu-linux.html
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