[SLUG] Debian I don't get it !

From: Michael Manchester (mchester@yahoo.com)
Date: Mon Aug 18 2003 - 06:51:32 EDT

This is crazy. I had Debian working with a Web server
(apache). fetchmail, exim and imap (uw-imap) all
working just fine. Apache searving up pages, fetchmail
getting my mail and delevering it to my imap server. I
was able to connect to my imap server and sendmail.

Only nfs was not working. After trying a couple of
suggestions from the group with no luck I decided to
backup all my conf files and reinstall Debian and try
to select the proper modules for nfs. Well installing
Woody from the 1st cd doesn't give me the choice to do
nfs by a module. So if I boot from the cd with the
bf2.4 kernel Debian doesn't detect my eth0. So I
decided to install from the 1st cd. After installing
and doing apt-get for apache, php4,fetchmail, and
mysql. This install setup php4 and apache just fine.
The last install I had a heck of a time getting apache
to speak php4.

I recoverd my conf files thinking I would be back in
business (silly me) The only thing I've been able to
get working is Apache. Fetchmail refuses to fetchmail,
bitches about localhost. Though I have loalhost in the
fetchmailrc and if I ping localhost from the box it
returns exim doesn't seem to want to play
using the originial conf file that were working before
the reinstall. Because exim isn't working I think that
is keeping fetchmail and imap from working.

Please explain to be why the same system with backup
conf files wont't work? I used to do this all the time
wth my other os (redhat). I thought maybe I could
remove exim and try doing an apt-get on it again. But
it for what ever reason wants to remove fetchmail, and
apache. now if it was just removing fetchmail that
would be ok, but damn I just got apache working and
remvoing my MTA want's to remove web server? Why cant'
I have a web server with out an MTA?

The good think about all this is my spam mail has
stopped. As I can't get fetchmail and imap to work I'm
not getting any email :)

I'm now leaning towards a reinstall again. If nothing
else I'm getting practice in install Debian. But I
can't figure out why my eth0 is not seen with the
bf2.4 cd.

Mike M.

The requirements said
"Windows 95/98/NT or better"
So I installed Linux

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