Re: [SLUG] FORWARD MARCH! - was RE: Roll up your sleeves!

Date: Tue Aug 19 2003 - 07:44:27 EDT

i'm with you - dood!

why don't we picket a local employer that is using foreign programmers?

now what can i put on a sign that will get attention but not get me thrown
in jail...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Josh Tiner" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 22:28
Subject: [SLUG] FORWARD MARCH! - was RE: Roll up your sleeves!

> ENOUGH! Stop the whining and crying already! All of you! It's disgusting
> to listen to and read about grown men whining and sniffling about the
> state of the IT market. Did any of you not read my original post re:
> rolling up sleeves and getting to work!
> The bottom line is that the economy is never going to be where it was
> circa 1995-1996. It's not going to suddenly bounce back and everyone is
> going to be "alright". It simply won't happen, so hang it up and forget
> about it. Will it get better? Yes. I think it will. Well it get worse?
> It might. Will each of you have fancy jobs writing code all day in a
> cushy office with a nice boss that showers you with generous pay and
> benefits - PROBABLY NOT! Will you have to accept lower pay, get your
> hands dirty, and actually have to do some WORK for a change - most of
> you will, some of you want depending on your connections, skill set,
> education, and just general all around luck of the draw.
> So hush the foolishness and hype about "guilds" and "unions". It's been
> discussed here before and nothing was ever done about it. Just a bunch
> of talk - so spare me - all of you! The Russians, Indians, and Chinese
> have a one up on us -- for now! That doesn't mean it'll be forever. It's
> not like we're going to all hop in a pick-up truck and go lynching
> foreign programmers like it was 1920 all over again is it? Give it a
> rest! Let the pendulum swing! In the mean time, I encourage all the
> people out there still unemployed to DO something productive with their
> time, just as I did in my previous post, such as getting a job
> irregardless of whether or not it has to do with computers, programming,
> or "IT".
> This attitude of defeat and despair I'm getting from everyone - not just
> on this mailing list, but other places too - is no longer getting ANY
> sympathy whatsoever from me. I'm sick of the helplessness that resonates
> off some people; it's utterly disgusting. Roof a house, sell insurance,
> work on a car, blow some damned leaves, sell pet rocks - I don't care -
> but do SOMETHING to turn a buck. Surfing and firing off
> e-mails (you know who you are!) is not going to get you a job in Tampa
> Bay for the most part - it takes a little ground pounding. Reality check
> people! Reality check!!!
> The pendulum will swing back someday in our favor - it always has and
> always will.
> As far as the unions and other forms of action and such go - the only
> thing I can say is let have a march across a bridge or something in the
> bay area and hope people take notice. This Saturday or something -
> Courtney Campbell or Gandy - your choice - make a sign and trudge twice
> - once across and one back? Whose with me on that? I have another person
> that would do it. Besides, we could make an event out of it - meet face
> to face. But if you say, - "Yeah! Let's do it!" - be there - and bring
> plenty of water, good walking shoes, and some sun screen! Certainly some
> portion of the public will take notice.
> Just my two frustrated n' fed up cents!
> -jtiner
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: [] On Behalf Of Ronald KA4INM
> >Youvan
> >Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 1:12 AM
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: Roll up your sleeves! - was: RE: [SLUG] Good, Fast and
> >Cheap?
> >
> > Guilds (unions) don't work if you can be easily replaced.
> > (especially if by a cheaper work force)
> >
> >> Frankly, as anti-union as I am, I'd favor an IT Union if it
> > > would mean that we could force companies to stop offshoring
> >> our jobs!
> >--
> > 73 (= Best Regards) de: Ron
> > 100% Slack. since July, 1997 (still free!) SENT D&T are UTC
> > Visit my HAM Web SITE at:
> >
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> This list is provided as an unmoderated internet service by Networked
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