[SLUG] Robins Outlook Story Mentioned On Tv!

From: bpreece1 (bpreece1@tampabay.rr.com)
Date: Fri Aug 22 2003 - 21:38:16 EDT

Tonight on TechTv it was hosted by Kevin Rhodes and Wil Wheaton from Star
Trek Next Generation.
Wil was plugging open Source and Linux ever second he could.

Next he mentioned Robins Story on Tv about Outlook!
Thought it was a cool and nice touch.

And this was on there webpage for Tech Tv

Outlook alternatives
Wil talks about a Robin Miller article that calls Microsoft Outlook and
Outlook Express users, "the computer equivalent of Typhoid Mary." Wil
recommends Eudora as an alternative to Outlook.

Will check and let you know when it re-airs for anyone intrested.
Bill Preece

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