Re: [SLUG] GTK and Glade

Date: Fri Oct 31 2003 - 01:29:13 EST

On Thu, 2003-10-30 at 11:55, Levi Bard wrote:
> > Can you tell me what you guys think?
> >
> >
> >
> > Yeah, I know - stuff all of you already know. Still, if it helps a
> > struggling programmer/admin get home to his kids faster, it's worth it,
> > no?
> Well thought out and well presented. Well done. You should submit that
> to Newsforge - they could use the content.

Thanks - it means a lot to hear that from fellow SLUGgers ;-) As for submitting it to NF, I would have, had it not been published by Developer Shed, who I'm now working with/for. That article, along with 3 others, was part of a deal which ended taking me from Tampa to Ft. Lauderdale. In essence, the article is "theirs," insofar as computer information sites are concerned (paid for content under a limited exclusivity contract). This one was just my favorite - also the most fun to write.

Surprisingly enough, I find myself in the awkward position of Editor in Chief over all of their websites (at least those with actual literary content), something I'm still getting used to. I now have a little insight into, as well as a deep appreciation for, the kind of stuff Robin has to through over at OSDN. It's fun, but it's a helluvalot of hours, way too much stress at times, and it involves me needing to remember more names than I care to.

(By the way, Robin - Thanks. Wouldn't be where I am without your time
and patience).


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