Re: [SLUG] wind emulator

From: Kwan Lowe (
Date: Sun Nov 23 2003 - 11:17:19 EST

> I am looking a app that will provide nearly seamless windows emaulation.
> Something a bit more refines than wine. Suggestions?

None are completely seamless, but other options include:
TransGaming WineX -- games (
Crossover Office -- Office (
VMWare -- Virtual machine environment (

They're not perfect, but I've been able to get a smattering of games
(Warcraft III, Fallout II) and some office software (Word, Excel) working
and very usable. It was seamless to the point that I could double-click an
icon on my KDE desktop to launch WMP (Codeweavers Crossover), Word
(Crossover Office), and some various graphics packages including Photoshop
and Freehand (Wine).

Many more programs will work under Wine if you have the native Windows
DLLs. It's usually just a matter of copying them from the Windows
installation to your virtual C: drive or overriding the Wine versions with
native DLLs for specific applications. None of this is automated, however,
so be prepared for some trial and error.

Finally, VMWare lets you run a complete Windows environment. I use this
mainly for testing Linux versions but also have a few Windows installs.
Everything works normally though there's about a 15% performance loss for
the virtual layer.

The Digital Hermit      Unix and Linux Solutions
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