Re: [SLUG] RE: cannot reboot

From: Eben King (
Date: Sun Nov 30 2003 - 17:40:53 EST

On Sun, 30 Nov 2003, Maureen L Thomas wrote:

> I backed up my home dir and formated all the partitions and
> started from scratch.

What I do, is don't tell the installer about any partition I don't want
touched, then later manually add them to /etc/fstab and mount them.

> My laptop uses GRUB also and I have had no problems with it rebooting.

Probably a differently-sized hard drive.

> All entries in GRUB were put there by the software at the install. I
> try not to play with things (edit stuff) unless I am almost positive I
> know what I am doing.

With bootloaders, that's probably a good policy, unless you don't mind
hosing your system. In general, though, that's how you learn -- screw
something up, then learn enough to fix it.

> Is is possibly a harddisk problem, its a maxtor 40 gig, but its only
> three years old?

I don't think so.

First thing I notice is /initrd-2.4.22-21mdk.img . All the other initrds
are in /boot. Is there a reason this is different? Maybe / is too big
for the BIOS to handle? Move it to /boot and update grub's config file to
reflect that change.

/boot is usually mounted read-only when mounted at all, to protect against
accidental erasure or modification of the boot images.

I've never seen /dev/hda1 referred to as
"/dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1" in Linux before, but that's OK.
You can assign human-readable names to the ext2 partitions if you wish,
using the e2label command.

Since you were reformatting anyhow, I would have gone with a journaled
filesystem. Recovery after a crash is much faster than with ext2. It's
easy to migrate from ext2 to ext3, using "mke2fs -J size=1M /dev/hda1" (I
think I have that syntax correct). If you can reformat, ReiserFS is
supposed to be faster than ext3. (donning my asbestos undies now)

> /dev/hdb1 /tmp ext2 defaults 1 2

What is /dev/hdb?

-eben    ebQenW1@EtaRmpTabYayU.rIr.OcoPm
CANCER:  The position of Jupiter says that you should spend the
rest of the week face down in the mud.  Try not to shove a roll of
duct tape up your nose when taking your driver's test.  -- Weird Al

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