This is the first time I've seen this on our list. It is a
challenge-response email system that apparently only works on MS email
clients (according to their website). Of course, if you read their
website, they tell you right there that for email _lists_ you need to
add the list to your whitelists. Which of course this s*bscr*ber did
This means that when you post something to the list, the recipient's
email client may well send you a challenge like the one below, if the
recipient isn't bright enough to have put the list in his whitelists.
And of course, if you don't want to keep getting these, you'll have to
I'm not opposed to the use of challenge-response email systems; I just
think you need to read _all_ the instructions before you put the dang
things together (fathers at Christmas, take note ;-).
With respect to our lists, I'm not sure what to do about this type of
thing. I can imagine it could get pretty annoying for list members. And
I can also imagine we'll see more of this in the future. We could either
uns*bscr*be people with instructions on how they can fix their dang
email clients, or suffer through it, or something else. I'm open to
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From: (name and email expunged)
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2004 21:02:06 -0500 (EST)
To: Paul M Foster <>
Subject: RE : [SLUG] Required fields in PHP (!STAMP:040218210218:25|)
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