-----Original Message-----
From: Derek Glidden [mailto:dglidden@illusionary.com]
Sent: Monday, 23 February, 2004 11:18
To: slug@nks.net
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Suncoast LUG Meetings-St. Pete Guest Speaker
On Feb 21, 2004, at 5:36 PM, Aaron Steimle wrote:
>> I just got word that we will be having a guest speaker, unless there
>> some flight delay's or anything to that nature.
>> The speaker is Roberto Nibali is going to talk bout LVS the linux
>> software load balancer.
>> He contacted me about a month ago, said we would be in saint pete for
>> some reason and would like to talk. I don't know much about him, but
>> his name sure does come up a lot when googled.
>Ratz! He's one of the main LVS developers. I might actually try to
>make this one, despite having to make it over the Frankenstein bridge
>at rush hour.
And don't forget about having to deal with snow birdz
and other blu head creations. Too bad we can not get
him to come to Tampa and give us a talk over here...
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