Re: [SLUG] Suncoast LUG Meetings-St. Pete Guest Speaker

From: Derek Glidden (
Date: Wed Feb 25 2004 - 13:52:54 EST

On Feb 25, 2004, at 10:57 AM, Levi Bard wrote:

>> I had to miss the talk anyway. One of the drives in one of my servers
>> at home caught fire or leprosy or something. Fortunately I had a
>> backup, but when I got home it sounded like a raquetball game was
>> going
>> on inside the drive. Horrible carnage everywhere. Man I hate
>> computers...
> Is there a colony of leprous hard disks somewhere to which it can be
> relegated, or do you have to thoroughly incinerate it?

Mostly what I do when a drive is deemed unsavable is open it up, then
plug it into a spare mothoerboard and see if I can get it to do
anything while poking at various bits of it with non-conductive poking
things. (Jacob's Ladders, mad laughter and cries of "It's Alive!"
purely optional...) If that doesn't work, or when I get bored with
poking, they generally get piled up in my already overcrowded room,
usually in a way that they'll fall over onto my foot when I flip the
light switch on in the middle of the night, causing many expletive

So when a previously good drive dies, I'm sure it's purely spite.

"We all enter this world in the | Support Electronic Freedom
same way: naked; screaming; soaked |
in blood. But if you live your |
life right, that kind of thing |---------------------------
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