Re: [SLUG] I told them . . .

From: Steve Szmidt (
Date: Sun Aug 01 2004 - 18:04:48 EDT

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 01 August 2004 03:12 pm, Robert Snyder wrote:
> God the usual MS bashing has started again.

Ah, I was starting to miss some good bashing. And since the SCOundril McClaim
has his mouth shut we don't hear too much these days... : )

Well, maybe I should be nicer. MS have after all supplied the biggest negative
computer security impact to mankind. It was not until many years later, that
they finally gave in to MASSIVE public outcry, as they even started to
acknowledge that they actually HAVE bugs. We have since then only seen them
pay lipservice to security. (A few million dollars is lipservice for them.)
Oh, I forgot that they promote Security is Job One! But we keep seing brand
new S/W coming out with disgusting remote access holes. First grade security
auditing! Not.

Forcing people to accept licenses that lets them not only see what's in your
computer but also install anything they want to. (Forcing us by stopping all
certified outlets from carrying older versions.) Forcing us by making some
modification to render older versions incompatible. All in pursuit of the
greenback! It justifies anything, does it not? [Rhetorical question.]

Nah, they only get what they have sowed. Even if they somehow got their act
together and cared about quality, they HAVE created an enourmus amount of
trouble thanks to the criminally slack attitude. So all I can say to them
(not you Robert) is eat crow and maybe, maybe one day they will have eaten

If they really had the intention to care about the public and act in a
responsible manner fitting an industry leader, we would have some real
changes. But at the bottom we still have the same "total control" at the cost
of any and all. The security initiative is not an ernest affort as far as I'm
concerned. I don't even want them dead and gone, simply to act in a
responsible manner.

IBM had a similar approach, and it cost them dearly. Fortunately they decided
to become a Service organization, and started listening to what people really
wanted. (I'm not talking about features, but from IBM.)

- --

"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety."
                                Benjamin Franklin

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