On Aug 14, 2004, at 20:37, Stratos Parisiou wrote:
> One person in Orlando just had some tree branches in his yard. Another
> person lost her fence (about 30 feet or so) and is out of power.
> I drove to Fort Lauderdale for the storm. On the way back I saw the
> damage.
> The storm really packed a punch!
I had to laugh a little at those who booked it out of Tampa to Orlando,
only to have the Charley hit here instead of there (or here to you
Tampa-ites). The eye passed to bit to the east of downtown Orlando, and
my buddy who lives over near Union Park is still without power at this
point. I live between Orlando and Ocoee to the west, and while we lost
power, phone and cable last night around 830 and all this morning, all
was back by 12pm. But some parts nearby are still powerless, like the
snooty folks in MetroWest.
We had some major tree lossage, with one tree leaning very badly across
the garage roof (a lost cause, to be replaced), and another that fell
into my neighbor's chicken coop (long story: we're not in the city). A
big branch glanced off the front roof, but no damage, except to the
tree. The guy across the street lost his work shack and some fence, and
transformers all around blew in sparkly shows. The neighborhood had
several large trees that fell across several of the local streets,
making tough to get out. One idiot insisted on tearing ass down one
street, and wound up stuck up in the tree's downed trunk. But by this
evening, most of the blockage is gone; not by the county but by us
locals taking care of business. And there's still plenty to be done
tomorrow and probably also Monday. And there's also the insurance
company to call, that should be fun.
I'm still amazed at the blue and green sheet lightning we saw to the
south, when the wind was blowing at its worst. Anyone know what that
was about?
I grew up in Galveston, Texas, and I've been through a few hurricanes,
even a couple of eyes. I was here for Andrew a decade ago (which
honestly did a lot more harm here). They are never fun, and I could
certainly do without another one anytime soon. But I guess they are a
part of living here. So I hope everyone took the situation seriously.
I'm glad it's over and done, and now there's the usual afternoon
showers to deal with...
Prez of <www.leap-cf.org>
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