Re: [SLUG] tcwo

From: Steve Szmidt (
Date: Tue Aug 17 2004 - 11:50:59 EDT

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On Tuesday 17 August 2004 11:01 am, Chuck Hast wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 10:19:49 -0400, Levi Bard <> wrote:
> > Reminds me of a sign I saw spray-painted on the remnants of a house in
> > Port Charlotte: "Looters will be killed."
> >
> > Good sentiment.
> Yes, the talking heads were interviewing one, he had a side arm and a
> shot gun. I guess as usual it is outside parasites, as it appears that all
> are pulling together on it. Hey if they take out a few, just helps clean
> out the gene pool.

I must say that though this may be said in fun, I don't see the "sure
whatever, just kill them" attitude very appropriate. Especially with the gene
pool comment.

It might be that indeed some think that crime has something to do with gene's,
which it doesn't.

Nor does it lies with the poor, the rich or anyone different. It lies with the
individual. Ditto, drugs will not stop crime but it might cause it.

The problem with it is the propagation of the same views that supported
genicide in Germany, the Balkans and other places.

Tolerance and education is the answer to stop crime - not gene pool clensing!

I've seen several prisons reform programs work in Mexico, where the inmates
turned their lives around with a overwhelming success rate, thanks to the

I've also been in a concentration camp in Germany, and there were no tolerance
or education. Just bigots and criminals.

This does not mean that I think you are either.

But it's really not a very good view to spread, if only to express frustration
or as a joke. Too many people will take those kinds of views to heart.

It says no to tolerance of the different, and after all, even You are
different. It just depends on who's looking. (And I'm sure you would not want
to be seen as one of "the few"!)

- --

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neither liberty nor safety."
                                Benjamin Franklin

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