Re: [SLUG] tcwo

From: Chuck Hast (
Date: Wed Aug 18 2004 - 08:04:26 EDT

On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 11:50:59 -0400, Steve Szmidt <> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Tuesday 17 August 2004 11:01 am, Chuck Hast wrote:
> > On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 10:19:49 -0400, Levi Bard <> wrote:
> > > Reminds me of a sign I saw spray-painted on the remnants of a house in
> > > Port Charlotte: "Looters will be killed."
> > >
> > > Good sentiment.
> >
> > Yes, the talking heads were interviewing one, he had a side arm and a
> > shot gun. I guess as usual it is outside parasites, as it appears that all
> > are pulling together on it. Hey if they take out a few, just helps clean
> > out the gene pool.
> I must say that though this may be said in fun, I don't see the "sure
> whatever, just kill them" attitude very appropriate. Especially with the gene
> pool comment.
> It might be that indeed some think that crime has something to do with gene's,
> which it doesn't.

I started not to get back into this but the parasites tried to break into my van
yesterday and I am sorry but the longer I live the less I am willing to put up
with the human trash that floats around and tries to make a easy time
off of others.

I dol not think that crime has to do with the gene pool though at times I really
wonder because it sure seems to be grouped, and I do not think that monetary
level has anything to do with it as we saw from all of the high level
stuff that took
place over the past few years at the corporate level.

Some people are just broke, bent, corrupt, what ever you want to call
it, some of
them are repairable but others are beyond repair, that they keep on turning them
back out on the streets is frustrating to many of us.

> Nor does it lies with the poor, the rich or anyone different. It lies with the
> individual. Ditto, drugs will not stop crime but it might cause it.

See above.

> The problem with it is the propagation of the same views that supported
> genicide in Germany, the Balkans and other places.

I do not nor have I ever supported ethnic cleansing if that is what you think
I would get washed down the drain with the rest, I am about as hentz 57
varieties as they get.

> Tolerance and education is the answer to stop crime - not gene pool clensing!

My tolerance with certain criminal elements is gone, totally burned
out, if you can
put up with it then more power to you, but I am no longer so patient
and willing to
give them the benefit of the dought.

> I've seen several prisons reform programs work in Mexico, where the inmates
> turned their lives around with a overwhelming success rate, thanks to the
> above.

There you are dealing with poor people who do not have a option, here we are
dealing with bent people who do have plenty of options but because they LIKE
what they do they continue to persue it. Those given the chance will get up and
get out of it, these have been in and out of jail so many times that
the sheet is
probably longer than you are tall.

> I've also been in a concentration camp in Germany, and there were no tolerance
> or education. Just bigots and criminals.

That was ethnic cleansing not attempts to control the criminal
element, what they
did to Jews and Slavs was beyond the pale, in my view they were let
off too easy.

> This does not mean that I think you are either.
> But it's really not a very good view to spread, if only to express frustration
> or as a joke. Too many people will take those kinds of views to heart.
> It says no to tolerance of the different, and after all, even You are
> different. It just depends on who's looking. (And I'm sure you would not want
> to be seen as one of "the few"!)

I am quite tolerant, just no longer willing to be tolerant of those
who do not under
any way want to turn around and get out of the mess they are in.

The best example is the disaster area, people should not have to stand
watch over
there property, those that go in and loot taking advantage of the
misery of others,
they deserve no more that what they may get when faced with a angry home owner.

Back in 1990 while I was still in Costa Rica we had a hurricane on track to come
into Limon Costa Rica on the Caribean coast. We evacuated the whole coast well
in land, I was in the town setting up emergency communications, and just before
the evacuation was carried out, we had a meeting of all emergency personel, the
vice president of the country spoke to us, one of the questions that
was asked was
what to do about looters, his response was shoot and then ask questions, this is
not something normally associated with Costa Rica, but as the vice
president said
"we have asked these people to abandon all and leave so as not to have loss of
life, now we have to make sure that they will be willing to do so the
next time this
happens, so if you see someone looting short them and we will deal
with it later"
Two looters were shoot and that ended ANY looting that was taking place. People
came back and found their homes safe (the storm went ashore at Blue Fields
Nicaragua) and only one had been entered and the looters shot, goods returned.

For whatever it is worth stern respect of law does help, if the
results of the breaking
of the law are quick and correctly applied these people will think
twice about the
cost of persuing such a life.

If you thought I was in favor of ethnic cleansing and such then you
are most certainly
incorrrect. I am just, like many people TIRED of the bad guys getting
away with such
a low cost to their way of life. Does not matter their ethnic
background nor economic
level, as far as I am concerned the corporate head who steals people's
money is no
better than the rancid street criminal. It needs to be stopped.

I will not respond to anymore of this as it is not a list subject.

Chuck Hast 
To paraphrase my flight instructor;
"the only dumb question is the one you DID NOT ask resulting in my going
out and having to identify your bits and pieces in the midst of torn
and twisted metal."
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