On Wed, 2004-08-18 at 01:38, Bob Stia wrote:
> On Tuesday 17 August 2004 09:02 pm, James S wrote:
> Welllll......I am not particularly concerned with the aesthetics, but I
> see the value in case, fans, and heatsinks, and will go for that,
> especially if I go for a "fast hot" processor.
One thing about cases and fans: Try to find quiet ones! My main box at
home is a PIII/500 all SCSI box with three extra fans I put together in
2000. The rare times when I reboot, it sounds like a jet about to take
off and is just generally noisy; to the extent that any guests I have
over, cannot sleep in my house, unless I close the door to my office.
(especially when my SCSI tape winds up at 3 a.m.) I do not notice it as
I am used to it.
The Logan
-- 07:35:01 up 4 days, 57 min, 2 users, load average: 0.05, 0.08, 0.37 Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning? -- George W. Bush ICQ: 72101412 AIM/MSN/Yahoo/Jabber: logantheclever Registered Linux User: 277727
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