On Mon, 23 Aug 2004 15:17:56 -0400, Chuck Hast <wchast@gmail.com> wrote:
> I initially
> had followed their instructions to "remove" the bootloader after it stuck it
> on there, seems you could not just check the sw out (I was interested in the
> defragging and resizing of the disk) you had to take the whole 9 yards and
> that with a disabled demo only, i.e. you could not commit the changes.
I've used a really neat diskette utility called Boot-It NG for
partitioning disks. It's very fast and efficient, and I've never lost
a drive with it.
I *did* lose a drive installing the SuSE 9.2 DVD that came in the
freebie package from Novell. Apparently I installed the bootloader in
the wrong place and destroyed the NTBOOT area in my WinXP install.
Required a complete reinstallation of the system.
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