Steve Szmidt wrote:
> This guy is clearly a script kiddie
> without full knowledge of what goes on. Based on the fact he left the history
> file intact for someone to read later. Unless he did do more damage and just
> left this information to act as a cover for a more thorough hack.
It's also possible he just figured that anyone with a "user" username with
"guest" password isn't going to be up to the task of checking the history,
anyway. It's more likely, though, that any important, reversible changes that
have been made have had their tracks covered or, like you said, that it's a
script kiddie.
Tevfik Yucek:
You should, as mentioned, just consider your system scrod at this point. Even
if he's some idiot that doesn't much know what he's doing (much), just playing
with other people's scripts, it's possible he downloaded from someone else's
server and that others now have access to your system without the original
cracker even knowing about it. Do you have your data backed up? I smell a
fresh install.
-- Chad Perrin (apotheon .com .net .org) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This list is provided as an unmoderated internet service by Networked Knowledge Systems (NKS). Views and opinions expressed in messages posted are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of NKS or any of its employees.
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