On Thu, 2004-09-02 at 08:26, Backward Thinker wrote:
> Forgive the stupid question, but it could possibly save you lots
> of time/trouble so I thought it is worth asking; are you sure you
> can't just enable cdrom as a boot device in your bios? I recently
> installed MEPIS from CD on a 200mhz Pentium Pro with the original
> (1996? 1997?) BIOS. The CD-ROM device (which had long since died
> and been replaced) wasn't enabled originally as a boot device, but
> there was no problem enabling it.
He's using a SCSI CD-ROM. That means:
A. His host adapter (HA) must have a BIOS with El'Torito support, and
B. His mainboard BIOS must be able to target the HA as bootable
-- Linux Enthusiasts call me anti-Linux. Windows Enthusisats call me anti-Microsoft. They both must be correct because I have over a decade of experience with both in mission critical environments, resulting in a bigotry dedicated to mitigating risk and focusing on technologies ... not products or vendors -------------------------------------------------- Bryan J. Smith, E.I. b.j.smith at ieee.org -- Compatibility and update matrix of Red Hat(R) distributions: http://www.vaporwarelabs.com/files/temp/RH-Distribution-FAQ-3.html http://www.vaporwarelabs.com/files/temp/RH-Distribution-FAQ-4.html ------------------------------------------------------------------ Bryan J. Smith, E.I. b.j.smith at ieee.org----------------------------------------------------------------------- This list is provided as an unmoderated internet service by Networked Knowledge Systems (NKS). Views and opinions expressed in messages posted are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of NKS or any of its employees.
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