Levi Bard wrote:
>>Make sure that the Windows machine doesn't get used as a zombie or Typhoid
>>Mary to annoy or infect thousands of other people.
> I wouldn't worry about it too much. One more would be a drop in the
> bucket at this point. Or maybe I should say a spit in the hurricane?
I would worry about it, because I'd rather not be part of the problem.
One more zombie box may not seem to make any difference in the grand
scheme of things, but one more zombie box can make the difference for
one individual person, and I'd rather not be responsible for that.
Levi Bard wrote:
>>Don't you think that's just a tad irresponsible?
> No. If 100 million people can do it just because they're too lazy to
> download updates, then one person can do it for the sake of testing.
Can, yes. Should, no. See my above comment: it's irresponsible.
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