> I put a bootable Linux floppy in /dev/fd0.
> Did 'dd if=/dev/fdo of=boot.img bs=10k count=144'.
> I moved boot.img to the /boot directory.
> I did
> 'mkisofs -r -b boot/boot.img -c boot/boot.catalog -o bootcd.iso .'. from
> the '/' directory.
> And I get the error " './proc/ide/ide2/hde/capacity' and
> './proc/ide/ide2/hde/capacity' have the same Rock Ridge name 'capacity'
> ".
> I expected to have a file 'boot.catalog' made in the /boot directory but
> it is not there.
> When I ls ./proc/ide/ide2/hde from a terminal there are 2 files named
> capacity.
> >From root, when I tried to rm ./proc/ide/ide2/hde/capacity I get the
> error 'rm: cannot remove './capacity': Operation not permitted'.
> When I use the GUI file viewer it shows only one file named 'capacity'
> Help!!!
Probably it's a bad idea to perform these operations from /. Create a
subdirectory in your home directory called "bootcdimage". Make a
directory inside it called "boot". Copy your boot image into "boot".
Then run mkisofs using "bootcdimage" as the root directory. As such:
cd ~
mkdir -p bootcdimage/boot
dd if=/dev/fdo of=bootcdimage/boot/boot.img
mkisofs -r -b boot/boot.img -c boot/boot.catalog -o boot.iso bootcdimage/
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