Re: [SLUG] Re: OT: picked up a screw around rig today

From: Bryan J. Smith (
Date: Sun Dec 05 2004 - 14:29:42 EST

On Sun, 2004-12-05 at 13:46, chris lee wrote:
> jesus its like a bunch of old women in here.......


But there is a point to my message, which was _not_ directed at Chad
solely (even if he was the only one that responded). If you don't know,
don't say it. If you don't have first-hand experience, then shy away
from commenting, unless you are sure. The speculation of how Alan Cox
could install Fedora on a 48MB system was a good example of this.

Fedora people know. Heck, Cobind, Rule Project, etc... people know what
Anaconda _really_ requires. But Red Hat overstates things because if
they said only 32MB, you can be sure there would be a public outcry on
the 32MB systems where it doesn't install. If you know what you are
doing (and I can only assume Alan Cox does as well as myself), you can
install Fedora well below the requirements.

I don't want to inhibit sharing, but I rather tire of being considered
"wrong," simply because my statements are not the majority. Especially
when the majority isn't talking from first-hand knowledge. And it
spirals into a tangent of assumptions, half-truths, "absolutes" (Red Hat
says this, so it can't be otherwise!), etc... Again, I rather tire of
it all.

But we can keep on going. We can keep having meta-discussions on what
we think we know or how something works, from afar without actually
using the project. And this is how most myths of products, solutions,
etc... start and become "common knowledge."

God forbid I mention a solution like XFCE, and comment that Fedora Core
2 would install and run well, on a 64MB system. ;-ppp

Bryan J. Smith                           
Subtotal Cost of Ownership (SCO) for Windows being less than Linux
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) assumes experts for the former, costly
retraining for the latter, omitted "software assurance" costs in 
compatible desktop OS/apps for the former, no free/legacy reuse for
latter, and no basic security, patch or downtime comparison at all.

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