Re: [SLUG] MEPIS is finally working?

From: Robert Snyder (
Date: Tue Feb 01 2005 - 10:13:54 EST

Mavrick wrote:

>On Tue, 01 Feb 2005 06:30:11 -0500, Richard Smoot
><> wrote:
>>Eben King wrote:
>>>On Mon, 31 Jan 2005, Pete Theisen wrote:
>>>>Eben King wrote:
>>>>>On Sun, 30 Jan 2005, Pete Theisen wrote:
>>>>>>Trying to figure out the GIMP for another.
>>>>>Well, what do you want to do in it that you can't?
>>>>Thanks for the reply. I would like to open my .PSD Photoshop files.
>>>>Doesn't seem to recognize the format, sigh. I have been going back to
>>>>the dark side and saving them as JPEG as a work-around.
>>>.PSD is Photoshop's own, proprietary format. I don't expect it to be
>>>supported by non-Adobe apps (or those whose developers have paid Adobe's
>>>bribe^Wlicensing fee.
>>Have you tried to open PSD's in gimp. I don't have any to try. My
>>PaintShop pro in
>>Windows could open them, but was not able to play with the separate layers.
>>I think GIMP can open them. Nothing except Adobe will be able to work
>>with the layers.
>>Richard Smoot
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>I work in a production studio that employs several digital artists who
>work on Photoshop 7.0 and CS (both for Mac and Windows). I'm just a
>tech, so I run SuSE 9.0 on my desktop and have GIMP 1.3 loaded up.
>With GIMP I am able to open up any .PSD file created by our artists
>and I am able to see and manipulate the individual layers. I am not a
>digital artist so I do not know the full potential (or limitations) of
>GIMP, but with reference to the above thread I can attest that it
>works great.
Eric, I dont have any problems either loading any psd from Photoshop
CS and gimp 2.0 Even on the windows side Macromedia Fireworks can
open up PSDs and mess around with the layers. PSD are very open
format. Gimp has had the ability to save files as psd and open them up
for a long time.

>This list is provided as an unmoderated internet service by Networked
>Knowledge Systems (NKS). Views and opinions expressed in messages
>posted are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the
>official policy or position of NKS or any of its employees.

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