Re: [SLUG] 2 part dvd/iso question

From: William Coulter (
Date: Sun Feb 20 2005 - 08:51:45 EST

Thanks for the info. I am getting some money back from taxes and I am finally going to get into
the dvd burnning stuff. I can burn all of my tools, files, and programs need to test and fix
computers on one dvd. I want to know more.


--- Levi Bard <> wrote:

> > Where do I find dvdbackup and lxdvdrip?
> Actually the author just distributes it as a .c source file with no
> build system, which is kind of annoying, so the easiest way to install
> it is probably through your distribution's package manager (apt-get
> install dvdbackup, emerge dvdbackup, etc...), or, failing that, grab
> the source from
> and apply the
> debian patch to build it. Or you can just dig through the readme and
> find the appropriate flags to pass gcc by hand.
> > > For actual transcoding, I use mplayer/mencoder, ffmpeg, and mjpegtools.
> > What? I don't understand.
> Well, dvdbackup doesn't do any reencoding - it just recreates all or
> part of the dvd's filesystem on your HD, so you can reburn that
> directly. If you want to do things like letterbox, unletterbox,
> change bitrates, etc, you need an application to decode and reencode
> the video in whatever way you choose. And those tools are what I use
> to do so.
> References:

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