Re: [SLUG] <OT> RIP Microsoft?

From: Robin 'Roblimo' Miller (
Date: Sun Feb 20 2005 - 13:10:07 EST

>The topic was actually a discussion on advancing Linux on the desktop.
>I found it really strange that some of the leaders in this area were not
>present... IE Suse/Novell or Red Hat. If I walked away with any broad
>feeling of the event as a whole, it is that Linux is being pushed hard
>as the corporate answer to big Iron ( using Linux in clusters to create
>a dynamic architecture that can be scaled based on current computing
>needs ).

This is what LinuxWorld has become: a marketing venue where large
companies try to sell to other large companies.

>I also wanted to note that my impression from technical attendees that I
>spoke with is that the conference is getting too fluffy. The content
>for the conference seemed to be aimed at technical management employees
>who are looking for solutions for business application.

I personally think we need to accept the fact that LinuxWorld has
changed, and work to build other conferences for tech people. Rob Malda
and I keep trying to have OSTG put together regional conferences, and
maybe someday we'll get our bosses to agree. We're certainly happy to be
media sponsors (provide free advertising in exchange for program
listings and that sort of thing) to hard-core tech conferences.

A open source development conference would be great IMO.
But we'd need corporate sponsors for it, and so far none of the usual
suspects have jumped on the idea. I'll be more involved in the
development of some new features in the future, and
maybe I can push this idea a little more.

I'll certainly try, and if anyone has any ideas on how to get some of
the field's biggies to realize that working more closely with open
source developers is to their benefit, I'm happy to hear them.

LinuxWorld is now someplace to go because you're getting paid to be
there. I'd like conferences that are *fun* to attend...

- Robin

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