Re: [SLUG] "Microsoft Blocking Wine Users From Downloads Site"

From: Steven Buehler (
Date: Tue Feb 22 2005 - 13:14:03 EST

On Feb 22, 2005, at 12:30 PM, Pete S. wrote:

> "As some of you may know, Microsoft is planning to totally restrict
> access to the Microsoft
> download center to all non-genuine windows users. So you would expect
> some check for pirated
> copies of windows to be involved. If you visit the download center
> with IE you get an activex control,
> but if you try with Firefox, you'll have to download a little program,
> that returns a code you have to copy into
> the download page, to get access to the download you selected.
> By quickly looking at the program, I noticed it looks for a registry
> key, this key is...
> SOFTWARE\Wine\Wine\Config
> the wine configuration key.
> the Windows Genuine Advantage program press release
> -26GenuineAdvantagePR.asp
> says that in the second half of 2005, all users connecting to the
> Microsoft download center or to windows update
> will have to validate their copy of windows...

Appears (for now) to only affect Windows XP (currently the most pirated
piece of software on the planet, for obvious reasons), although,
they've actually already quietly been doing something like this for a
while (if you try to install SP1 on a version of XP that was installed
using a widely-published "pirated" CD key, the package already has an
internal list of known pirated keys and will refuse to install if it
finds one of them on your computer and tell you that you have a pirated
copy of Windows).

Plus, I'm not sure what Wine users need from the Windows Update site,

You'll notice that a few countries have been forced to use the
authentication scheme immediately; they are the biggest sources of
pirated copies of Windows.

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