On Sun, Feb 27, 2005 at 04:42:46PM -0500, SOTL wrote:
> On Saturday 26 February 2005 19:00, Paul M Foster wrote:
> > Folks:
> >
> > First, thanks to Russell Hires for doing his presentation on the
> > upcoming SLUG site at the meeting.
> I was not going to say anything but since myself and 2 others were at the
> Dunedin library in our normal meeting room waiting the question becomes where
> was the meeting held at if it was not in the normal place? I know the meeting
> was scheduled where we were waiting as I personally checked with the
> librarian.
Reread the original email. It was held at Dunedin Library, just not at
1pm. The SLUG website said 1pm, but I missed that when I sent out the
announcment to the lists. So the announcement said 10am, which is when I
and others showed up. It so happened that the library had a free room,
and Russell showed up, so we went ahead and held it at the usual (but
not correct) time. There also should have been a notice we put on the
door, indicated that the meeting had already been held.
Again, my apologies. It was an oversight on my part.
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