Re: [SLUG] Dunedin Summary

From: SOTL (
Date: Sun Feb 27 2005 - 16:42:46 EST

On Saturday 26 February 2005 19:00, Paul M Foster wrote:
> Folks:
> First, thanks to Russell Hires for doing his presentation on the
> upcoming SLUG site at the meeting.

I was not going to say anything but since myself and 2 others were at the
Dunedin library in our normal meeting room waiting the question becomes where
was the meeting held at if it was not in the normal place? I know the meeting
was scheduled where we were waiting as I personally checked with the

Also we went through the identical same thing at the last Tampa meeting. The
meeting was moved without notification to the security guards at HCC. In fact
the security guards did not even know that there was going to be a meeting. I
know this to be true because I personally checked with the security guards.
Also the security guards gave me a ride in their truck to the meeting

If you are going to change meeting locations it may be prudent to start
scheduling and unscheduling meeting locations with the appropriate people at
BCC and the Dunedin library.

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