Re: [SLUG] Rant about Alsa

From: Kwan Lowe (
Date: Mon Feb 28 2005 - 18:27:55 EST

Paddy wrote:

>>What are you using to play sounds? If you're using something like XMMS
>>then you also need to install xmms-alsa. Send the output of:
>> rpm -qa "*alsa*"
> Here is the output;
> alsa-utils-1.0.6-3
> alsa-lib-1.0.6-7.FC3

Next question: What are you attempting to hear? As mentioned, if using
XMMS then you also need to install the xmms-alsa RPM. Then, launch XMMS,
go to Options|Preferences, then make sure that the Output plugin is set
to ALSA. For things like Mplayer, you also have to specifically select
ALSA as the default output. Most of the other apps should automatically
choose ALSA if you set it within KDE or Gnome.

For comparison, here are all my ALSA related packages:

[kwan@deepthought kwan]$ rpm -qa "*alsa*"
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