Re: [SLUG] {SPAM?} Linux gui programming

From: Kwan Lowe (
Date: Mon Mar 14 2005 - 21:41:13 EST

Donald E Haselwood wrote:
> For doing small (home/hobby type) gui base projects, which language would you
> recommend? I've been looking at Qt, GTK, and Java, and each one gets touted
> as the best.
> I've struggled through the learning with WN98SE, C++, wilth MFC (and it's
> miserable documentation). Getting over to Linux is now the goal. I would
> like to avoid the situation of investing the time and effort in learning only
> to discover that I picked one that was on its way out, a dog, obsolete, etc.

Just wanted to show an example of the Xdialog program that I mentioned

During my administration tasks I need to visit a few dozen machines each
day. To facilitate this, I created a short script using both "dialog"
and "Xdialog" (the text and GUI versions). Here's a simple script using




while [[ "$RETCODE" -ne "1" ]]
     Xdialog --menu "Choose server:" 24 35 16 `cat ${MACHINE_LIST}`
     CHOICE=`cat /tmp/choice.$$`
     rm /tmp/choice.$$

     if [ "$RETCODE" -ne "1" ]; then
         xterm -e "ssh ${CHOICE}" &


To use it, do the following:

1) Install Xdialog
    Grab the sources from and compile. I have
    RPMs for Fedora, RedHat 9, and a few others.

2) Edit the ~/.ssh/machine_list directory and create a list of hosts and
descriptions. The file should look similar to this:

epsilon Dell_Laptop
theta IBM_ThinkPad
gamma Cust_1
omega Depot_Sales
alpha Front_Office
omicron File_Server

3) Optionally, configure SSH host keys on the remote server.

4) Run the script. (Watch the line breaks!)

You should get a menu showing the machine names. Double click on a name
to launch a new shell window.

As you can see, there's barely twenty lines of code but it can create an
application that would take perhaps 100 lines in another toolkit.

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