Re: [SLUG] Web Dev/Standards Question

From: JohnDz (
Date: Tue Mar 22 2005 - 11:25:34 EST

USF web sites already seem to have a standard look and
feel. Do they possibly have a policy regarding the
technology allowable? Perhaps you can take this to a
higher authority.

I did notice this :


--- Christopher Hotchkiss
<> wrote:
> Hail fellow SLUGites,
> I have a question regarding web standards. I
> volunteered to put
> together a site for the USF Honors and I am having
> some difficulties
> coming to a consensus with the graphic artist.
> Basically we are having
> a large disagreement about the use of Macromedia
> Flash in the site. He
> is arguing that the use of Flash is not a problem
> and it should be
> used as a significant portion of the site
> navigation. My big compliant
> however is that Javascript and/or XHTML with CSS
> would do a lot
> better and be more maintainable.
> What do you guys think?
> Is it overly irrational for me to put my foot down
> when it comes to flash?
> Or should I let him just produce it (if I can get
> something out of
> him) and just roll with it?
> Is it crazy to want everything on the site that
> affects the page to be
> editable by a plain text file?
> Thanks for any comments and/or advice.
> --
> Christopher Hotchkiss
> (813)960-9273

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