[SLUG] netstat & HD

From: Eben King (eben1@tampabay.rr.com)
Date: Sun Apr 03 2005 - 12:13:12 EDT

The two are unrelated, but at least one of them is on topic.

1. If I see network bandwidth being used (with e.g. gkrellm), how do I find
   out who's using it? I suppose I could use netstat to get a list of all
   TCP connections and their owners and start killing those rocesses, but
   that's not feasible.

2. Is anyone willing to part with a small (1+ GB) 3.5" IDE (not SCSI, I
   checked) hard drive? I'm trying to resurrect an old computer for my

-eben    ebQenW1@EtaRmpTabYayU.rIr.OcoPm    home.tampabay.rr.com/hactar

Unix is user-friendly; it's just picky about who it makes friends with.

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