On 4/12/05, Mark Polhamus <meplists@earthlink.net> wrote:
> I've written a few Perl scripts that generate the .dot file format for various
> purposes. My favorite was a program that queried function call relationships
> in a C program. It used a static call graph database made using (cscope?) and
> showed the results (how many ways does function a call function b) as a
> graphviz graph. It had various options for limiting the scope which is
> important when generating graphs from big programs.
That's pretty cool! Do you happen to still have the perl scripts laying around?
> Lately I've been using a graph editor called yEd
> <http://www.yworks.com/products/yed/> that has a nicer user interface and
> printing. It's a Java program. Free as in beer, not speech but I believe it
> imports/exports free xml formats.
Yes, you showed me that at the meeting. It looks like a pretty
interesting program,
aside from the non-libreness of it.
Thanks for bit of talk about graphviz and this posting. I was sorta
aiming for "What do other people use it for", too, since my usage of
it is still rather primitive.
I think the application I mentioned, my "make workalike", will retain
a feature for producing graphs of file dependencies.
-- "Here's to the soldiers that march to the war Their ugly tin hats and the long wollen draws. The Colonel says "Right lads, now over the top!" Then he stands back to watch as the poor buggers drop."----------------------------------------------------------------------- This list is provided as an unmoderated internet service by Networked Knowledge Systems (NKS). Views and opinions expressed in messages posted are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of NKS or any of its employees.
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