Re: [SLUG] Meeting tonight, Graphviz, Network stuff?

From: Mark Polhamus (
Date: Tue Apr 12 2005 - 17:58:21 EDT

Dylan Hardison wrote:
> Two possible topics for tonight's meeting, Mario-willing, could be
> Graphviz, and network admin tools.
> Firstly, I've been poking around with Graphviz lately, and I must say
> it's a very useful tool (for visualizing graphs), and I'm curious if
> anyone else as any experience with it. Nothing really specific, the
> documentation is solid so I don't have any questions.
> It'd be nice to shoot the breeze about it, perhaps. I also have a
> rather involved tale
> of what I'm using it for.

Graphviz is very cool, I've been using it for 10 years now. It almost always
seems to "do the right thing" when laying out graphs, which is a big
improvement over most graphing systems. I find editing graphs by hand with
the dotty tool a bit painful though. There is a lot more to the system that
is hidden by the lack of a nice user interface. Getting output to a printer
is also a hassle.

I've written a few Perl scripts that generate the .dot file format for various
purposes. My favorite was a program that queried function call relationships
in a C program. It used a static call graph database made using (cscope?) and
showed the results (how many ways does function a call function b) as a
graphviz graph. It had various options for limiting the scope which is
important when generating graphs from big programs.

Lately I've been using a graph editor called yEd
<> that has a nicer user interface and
printing. It's a Java program. Free as in beer, not speech but I believe it
imports/exports free xml formats.

-- Mark Polhamus

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