Re: [SLUG] what to think about the next ver

From: John Pugh (jpugh@NOVELL.COM)
Date: Tue Apr 19 2005 - 08:10:41 EDT

>>> 04/19/05 7:35 am >>>
> There was a review that mentioned the media programs missing:

Hmmm...I'd say an uneducated writer talking to a non-Linux savvy PR person! This review is not accurate. I'd post the CD's for you guys, but my downstream is only 384 and I need that!
> Also saw this which half makes me want to break down and buy a DVD drive and half ticks me off that
> there is so many more programs on the DVD and not included on a CD:

and yes...5 CD's is enough....vs one DVD that can hold even more.
BTW...I install with CD's and still have XMMS installed to play my MP3 collection.

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