William Coulter wrote:
> --- Sick Twist <thesicktwist@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>From: "Kwan Lowe" <kwan@digitalhermit.com>
>>>Reply-To: slug@nks.net
>>>To: slug@nks.net
>>>Subject: Re: [SLUG] simple image cropping program
>>>Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 16:26:26 -0400 (EDT)
>>>>I'm looking for a lightweight image viewer for Linux that is capable of
>>>>cropping and saving the modified image. Something similiar to IrfanView
>>>>would be ideal as the potential user is not very computer-savvy. GTK2
>>>>the preferred toolkit but I'll settle for others if they fit the bill.
>>>>Thanks in advance!
-notice how Ive moved your post to the bottom, that is good list
etiquette, ie, dont top post and Ive trimmed parts Im not replying to
out of the way, also good list etiquette.
>> I wanted to add that there is a mod or a new GUI for GIMP that makes it look MS Publisher(I
>> think). I saw it on G4techTV on a show called ATOS, Attach of the show. I just did a search on
>> the web site but could not find it. I also saw it on slashdot. you would have to go back a few
>> weeks to find it, but I think that there is an article about it.
>> William
Yes, its called GimpShop, made to look/feel like Photoshop. Its been
out for a couple weeks before it was on AOTS. Heres a link to the blog.
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