Re: [SLUG] For the love of Plone

From: Robert Snyder (
Date: Thu Apr 28 2005 - 12:24:08 EDT

Totally off topic but kinda on at the same time.

Just a suggestion for the Plone site. and really for the current site.

On the left where they are listing the distrobutions. I think they should
each get there own page. Have fellow sluggers here volunteer to write
descriptions of each.

So instead of say slackware link heading directly to<>have it go to another page on the
site where it talksabout slackware it pros
and cons of slackware and then a link to the distros site.


Slackware Linux is one of the oldest Linux Distrobutions still being
developed. <insert some more history and information>

Slackware Advantages: Stable, BSD stye init scripts, <more crap here>

Slackware Disadvantages: No dependcy checking in package management, One
main developer, that when dies slackware will probably die. <more crap >

User Level - Intermediate (and this would range new user to advance)

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