On Thursday 28 July 2005 20:42, Ken Elliott wrote:
> The problem is when I'm running a plug in in Photoshop CS2 the OS will
> freeze right in the middle of the conversion. Needless to say, this is not
> good for the code as I have to reboot the machine. It appears to be one of
> Windows famous page fault's and I don't know how to cure this.
Well the fact is that if you fixed it you would be in violation of applicable
law as the only way you could actually fix these problems would probably be a
total rewrite of windows and the API. (Basicall a set of libraries and hooks
that allows others to write programs for windows.)
The whole thing is so faulty it's not funny. You apply a fix for one thing
only to find another that broke as a result. When you finally get it
reasonably stable you don't dare applying anything to it as it may, or
probably will.
Guess I'm venting my frustration, and I have not even had any windows machines
for a number of years. I just hate it when people are being taken advantage
--Steve Szmidt
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