Re: [SLUG] US Robotics Modem

From: SOTL (
Date: Wed Aug 17 2005 - 17:10:31 EDT

On Saturday 13 August 2005 09:45 pm, paddy wrote:
> SOTL wrote:


> I have a whole bunch of old 3.5" floppies with various drivers. What
> they are I can't tell you without a lot of work. I do have a Suse Linux
> 7.2 Modules floppy and a disk thats labeled modem diagnostics &
> drivers. Five or six years ago I used to go to the state (Alaska)
> property disposal office and purchase 486 and early Pentium computers by
> the pallet, make the necessary adjustments and sell them for cash. Of
> course, I did not make any money but I collected a lot of driver software.
> Send me your phone# and I'll give them to you.
> Paddy
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But I shouldn need then.

As I stated in the original posting I have two boxes setting side by side with
the identical 6.3 version of Red Hat in them one of which I can connect to
the internet by modem and one not. Both boxes have identical PCI U. S.
Robotics 56K V2 modems in them. Both modems hardware wise work and can be
interchanged and I can still connect to the line by the HP box and not by the
MCI box. The MCI box recently had it system completely reinstalled after a HD
failure. Setting up the modems was a bitch the first time on both boxex. So
my conclusion from this is I have a software issue which I believe should be
easy to solve by inspecting or copying the files in the box that works [I am
using it to send this message.] and copying or adjusting the same files in
the MCI box. The issue is I do not know which files.


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