On 8/23/05, Paul M Foster <paulf@quillandmouse.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 11:09:19AM -0400, Jeffrey Kroll wrote:
> > Sluglist,
> >
> > I have some issues with whats going on with SFD in
> > Sarasota/Bradenton area and the people that are trying to organize it. I
> > know most of the slug list doesn't need to read this however I feel as
> > if this e-mail will help everyone and clear up some things throughout
> > the galaxy (and all I have to say to that is 42).
> <snip>
> > Now I will address each issue individually:
> >
> > 1) WeeRobby Snyder is a WiFi whore. He loves his laptop. He carry's his
> > laptop with him every where ... Possibly even when he has to use the
> > restroom.
> Is this really necessary? You could express his affection for wifi
> without insulting him. It's flamebait. This is why I'm not keen to have
> this traffic on the SLUG list.
> <snip>
Speaking for Me Myself and I, and any one of my other personalities in
my head, I really dont find it an insult. As most of the
Sarasota/Bradenton regulars know I dont go anywhere with out my
laptop. And being spoiled with wifi by living in downtown sarasota.
Where I simply cna go anywhere in teh park sit down read my email. So
I have come to expect wifi in most places some times I am disappointed
over the fact that there is none at some locations. But Jeff ment
in all in good fun, he knew I would not take offensse to it.
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