Re: [SLUG] books on Linux/Unix

From: Robert Eanes (
Date: Thu Oct 13 2005 - 00:53:39 EDT

--- Paddy <paddy@ij.nij> wrote:

> Mario LombLombardote:
> >On Monday 10 October 2005 19:18, Paddy wrote:
> >
> >
> >>I am getting out of the "roll your own" operating
> systems. I have an
> >>extensive library of Linux/Unix books. Some are a
> couple of years old
> >>but the basics have not changed. If anyone is
> interested reply to my
> >>private address and you can have them cheap.
> >>
> >>Paddy
> >>
> >>
> >
> >I'm curious, if you're getting out of "roll you
> own" OSes, what will you be
> >getting into, and why?
> >
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> >
> >
> >
> If I can find some kind of STABLE OS, I hope to
> become proficient in
> PhotPhotoshopaugment my photography. work. I'm just
> tired of having to
> hack everything to get the damn think to work and
> that until the next
> upgrade.

The knights are still searching for the Holy Grail....
haven't found it yet :) The most stable system I've
worked on is MVS MVS90... and like all other systems,
someone else did the "hacking" for me... err. most of
the time. As for photography, I'd suggest a Mac...
(you'd have to put up with there hardware though)...
or Windows. My take on Windows is this. It's ok aok
works wonderfully... if you don't actually use it. If
you use it for one application, then you won't have
too many problems. The more you use it, the more
messed up it gets. I think it all goes back to the
difference in coding philosophy between IBM and MS in
the early days. Ms said they could write the same
thing in 1/10 the size of the code... the joke was on
them though... sure, they could do it, but what about
90% of the code that was providing all the error
checking, and exception handling. IBM code sptsspts a
number when it errors out. Go to the Red books and
look that number up .. MS code falls through the code
and gives the same general error code for anything
they haven't discovered yet (see: trying to
troubleshoot a STOP 000000000A BSODBSODsage in
XP).XPPick your poison, all of them have side effects.

> There should be a standard FORCED upon developers to
> use a uniform
> method of writing code, not whatever fits their
> particular fancy, As
> long as every guy can write his/her own code in
> their particular manner,
> its going to full of incompatibilities (bugs) and it
> will not run with
> any consistency. Work arouaroundsRL and shell
> programming languages are
> just stop gap measmeasurersmake the stuff run and
> lead to compatibility
> programs. The bueabueatyUNIX is it is a kernel,
> inivinividualgrams that
> do one thing and do it well tied together with
> scripts. Modern OS
> structure is a bunch of spaghetti code trying to do
> everything for
> everyone and not doing anything very well.
> Mickey$oft is a great
> example; those clown know the use of mallmalloc
> have never heard of
> free. NuffNuffd.
> Paddy

It sounds like we have a bit in common in this
respect. I am a very standards based guy also. But
in my current line of business I don't get to make or
implement coding standards. I'm a user of other
people's products. The line between designer,
developer, and User seems to be continually blurring
ever more each day. What is comes down to for me is
this: if it's my project, I'm going to make sure it
adheres to whatever applicable standards there are for
my application. The problem is there are millions of
developers out there that think the same way I do...
and we each see it just a little differently. A User
doesn't care about any of that and in truth the only
thing they see is an application or OS that "just
doesn't work".

PhotPhotoshopa decent solution. With prices the way
they are right now, I would buy a Winders machine and
only run only PhotPhotoshopoto apps on it.. the less
the better.. and do it the way MS wants it done...
When in Rome ....

Good Luck.

R EaneEanes

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